CARPATHIA, shepherd's axe from the Carpathians

3-5 weeks
Code: AXE68

The Wallachian Axe - Valaška is a shepherd's axe that inherently belongs to the Wallachians and other mountain peoples from Moravia through Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine and Romania. It had and has a truly universal use.

The Wallachian axe is not only a symbol of the freedom of the people of the Carpathian Mountains who guarded the border, but it is also a practical tool for the outdoors.

  • A personal, hunting and throwing weapon
  • Travel stick
  • For chopping wood
  • For slaughtering sheep
  • As an attribute of the weapons dance and part of the costume
  • Forged in one piece
  • Length: 94 cm
  • Axe head length: 14 cm
  • Blade length: 5 cm
  • Sharpness: sharp
  • Etched, luxurious and functional workmanship

In the past, this axe was used not only for practical purposes such as working with wood, but also as a weapon and symbol of the herders known as Wallachians. These mountain herders used it both to protect their herds and for everyday activities in harsh mountain conditions. Over time, the Wallachian axe has become an iconic tool with a prominent place in folklore.