SPECIAL OFFER, discounts

In this category, you can find currently stocked goods that we consider especially interesting and worth more detailed inspection. Most goods here are our own production (some are imported) and we can offer them at competitive prices. In any case, reduced price does not mean lower quality.

21-40 from 47 products
  • -4%
    ARBOR VITAE, Tree of Life, Pendant, silver ARBOR VITAE, Tree of Life, Pendant, silver
  • -27%
    Center Mount for Tarsoly bag, bronze ARBOR VITAE, Tree of Life, Pendant, silver
    Code: BHJ190 In stock
  • -12%
    SLEIPNIR, viking leather belt ARBOR VITAE, Tree of Life, Pendant, silver
    Code: LBE65 In stock
  • Promotion -8%
    SCYTHIAN GRIFFIN, silver pendant by Wulflund, Ag 925 ARBOR VITAE, Tree of Life, Pendant, silver
  • -27%
    SILVER LEAF, pendant, Ag 925
    Code: FWC19 In stock
  • -17%
    TREE OF LIFE, bronze pendant ARBOR VITAE, Tree of Life, Pendant, silver
    Code: CPE140 In stock
  • -7%
    HEART PENDANT, silver 925, talisman
    Code: FGQ42 In stock
  • -4%
    VENERA, silver earrings, Ag 925
    Code: BMJ21 In stock
  • -3%
    TADPOLE, silver pendant, Ag 925
    Code: BMJ11 In stock
  • -4%
    TADPOLE, silver earrings, Ag 925
    Code: BMJ16 In stock
  • -4%
    CROSS OF HARMONY, pendant
    Code: MJW43 In stock