Throwing Knives by Wulflund Forge

Throwing Knives by Wulflund Forge

Professional Throwing Knives from Our Workshop

A throwing knife is not just a piece of flying metal; it can be elevated to an art form.

Our knife-making workshop is one of the leading global manufacturers of throwing knives for professionals. We have specialized in crafting throwing knives for many years and have built a reputation based on quality and collaboration with top knife throwers worldwide. Continuously advancing the design and quality of these sport knives, along with refining their finish, is a job that involves skilled designers with whom we consult. Made in Prague, Czech Republic, at our forge under the brand Wulflund Forge.

All knives are made from high-carbon spring steel CSN 14.260 (54SiCr6), which undergoes multiple processing stages, including hardening, grinding, and surface finishing.

We offer a wide range of throwing knives, each model designed with consideration for various knife-throwing techniques and the specific needs of professional throwers.

Collaboration and Sponsorship

We collaborate with leading throwers and sponsor events such as the U.K.A.T. World Cup 2025. We are open to working with knife throwers for reviews of knives from our production.

Philosophy and Customer Approach

We believe in our products. We use the same type of steel and similar processes for knives as we do in sword-making. That’s why we offer a lifetime warranty on our throwing knives.

65.19 $160.22 $
  • New
    STORK, professional throwing knives - 3x set
    $160.22 Catalogue number: WLF2301 In stock
    - +
  • New
    RAPIER, professional throwing knives - 3x set
    $160.22 Catalogue number: WLF3101 In stock
    - +
  • New
    CORVUS, professional throwing knives - 3x set
    $160.22 Catalogue number: WLF2501 In stock
    - +
  • New
    SABERTOOTH, professional throwing knives - 3x set
    $160.22 Catalogue number: WLF1201 In stock
    - +
  • New
    SCALPEL, professional throwing knives - 3x set
    $160.22 Catalogue number: WLF901 In stock
    - +
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    STRIGA, professional throwing knives - 3x set
    $160.22 Catalogue number: WLF1011 In stock
    - +
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    GUNGNIR, professional throwing knives - 3x set
    $160.22 Catalogue number: WLF801 In stock
    - +
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    SCYTHIAN, professional throwing knives - 3x set
    $160.22 Catalogue number: WLF701 In stock
    - +
  • New
    FLAMED BLADE, professional throwing knives - 3x set
    $160.22 Catalogue number: WLF501 In stock
    - +
  • New
    COMET, professional throwing knives - 3x set
    $160.22 Catalogue number: WLF401 In stock
    - +
  • New
    GALAXY, professional throwing knives - 3x set
    $160.22 Catalogue number: WLF301 In stock
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  • New
    ELLIPSE, professional throwing knives - 3x set
    $160.22 Catalogue number: WLF201 In stock
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  • New
    ARROWHEAD, professional throwing knives - set of 3
    $160.22 Catalogue number: WLF101 In stock
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  • New
    STORK, throwing knife
    $65.19 Catalogue number: WLF23 In stock
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  • New
    RAPIER, throwing knife
    $65.19 Catalogue number: WLF31 In stock
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  • New
    CORVUS, throwing knife
    $65.19 Catalogue number: WLF25 In stock
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  • New
    BEAR CLAW, throwing knife
    $65.19 Catalogue number: WLF13 In stock
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  • New
    SABERTOOTH, throwing knife
    $65.19 Catalogue number: WLF12 In stock
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  • New
    SCALPEL, throwing knife
    $65.19 Catalogue number: WLF9 In stock
    - +
  • New
    STRIGA, throwing knife
    $65.19 Catalogue number: WLF10 In stock
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