SPRING of the MOLDAU - Moldavite, silver necklace

Price before discount: $248.62
Last pieces in stock
Code: MLD477

Spring of the Vltava river (Moldau) - silver necklace, where the spring itself symbolizes the South Bohemian Vltava River. The author of the jewelry, Kati, was inspired by old woodcuts and the Šumava Mountains (Bohemian Forest) landscape when designing the jewelry.

Check our video with this moldavite jewel.

The jewelry depicts the river Vltava and its spring (moldavite stone) with surrounding stones and ferns. Whoever looks carefully will find the Black Mountain with spruce trees, where the river originates.

  • A chain is part of the jewelry
  • Material: sterling silver and moldavite
    Dimensions: 3 x 5 cm
  • Weight: 19g
  • Perunika collection - inspired by the Czech landscape
  • Design author: Kati

Moldavite is a tektite, a meteoritic glass, the formation of which is associated with the impact of a meteorite 15 million years ago. Their occurrence is bound mainly to southern Bohemia and the vicinity of the lower course of the Vltava. These unique stones are highly valued in the world.

The jewelry is a tribute to the Vltava River, South Bohemia and the moldavites.

The author of the jewelry is the South Bohemian artist Kati, who is very close to Šumava Mountains and is behind a collection of jewelry referring to the Bohemian landscape, but also designed a bracelet for the series Vikings.