Historical coins - replicas. We offer replicas of coins from many different historical periods, not only for collectors and others with a passion for numismatics, but for all those who enjoy having a little piece of history in their pockets. Although the oldest coins appeared about 7-6 centuries before the Common Era, in Anatolia, India and China, their increasing prevalence is particularly associated with the development of the monetary systems of Ancient Greece (drachmas, staters) and Rome. Metal coins greatly simplified business transactions; they replaced the previous means of payment such as various chunks of metals, grain, and cloth. The materials used for minting included gold, silver, electrum, copper, bronze and tin. Coins were imprinted with their weight value and often additionally depicted various mythological figures and/or living persons, animals, designs, symbols, etc. The first coins in the Czech lands were minted by the Celts (such as the famous rainbow cups). Gradually, the right to mint coins was reserved only for the state (monarch), who therefore also bore responsibility for their having the correct weight and purity of metal. Gorgeous coinage has been preserved from the Middle Ages such as the Prague groschen, ducats, bracteates, tolar/thaler and Jewish coins). Here we also offer replicas of coins with erotic designs from various eras of history.