lances, spears

Lances, spears

Spears and javelins. What is the difference between a javelin and a spear? A spear is a long stab weapon used both in hunting and in battle, whereas a javelin is more likely to be thrown. A spear is the basic infantry weapon, especially for those warriors who stood in the front line. The Roman javelin was called a pilum, and it had a particular shank construction that made it unique, whereas the Celtic spear had a similar shape to the spears used in the later medieval era.

29.83 $740.34 $
  • $740.34 Catalogue number: DAM74 In stock
    - +
  • -22%
    ROMAN PILUM, replica
    Catalogue number: ASW75 In stock
    - +
  • -11%
    ROMAN PILUM, replica
    Catalogue number: ASW76 In stock
    - +
  • $124.86 Catalogue number: APW179 In stock
    - +
  • -21%
    LONG SPEAR, sharp replica
    Catalogue number: FPR268 In stock
    - +
  • $170.17 Catalogue number: FPR221 In stock
    - +
  • $43.09 Catalogue number: KNI141 In stock
    - +
  • $148.07 Catalogue number: APW91 In stock
    - +
  • -3%
    Forged spear, decorative replica
    Catalogue number: APW90 In stock
    - +
  • -9%
    LONG CELTIC SPEAR, replica La Tene, Bohemia, sharp replica
    Catalogue number: APW84 In stock
    - +
  • $143.65 Catalogue number: FPR93 In stock
    - +
  • $138.12 Catalogue number: LHE40 In stock
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  • $174.59 Catalogue number: OSL06 In stock
    - +
  • -4%
    Gáe Bulg, Irish Spear etched
    Catalogue number: AES28 2-3 weeks
    - +
  • -4%
    LANCE pyramid 13 cm
    Catalogue number: APW721 2-3 weeks
    - +
  • $117.13 Catalogue number: APW750 2-3 weeks
    - +
  • $148.07 Catalogue number: FPR317 3-4 weeks
    - +
  • $100.55 Catalogue number: FPR306 3-4 weeks
    - +
  • $66.30 Catalogue number: APW177 1-2 weeks
    - +
  • $62.98 Catalogue number: APW178 1-2 weeks
    - +