Claíomh Solais - Sword of Light, men's Celtic shirt.
The Celtic Sword of Light - in Irish Cliamh Solais (read: klíaf shulish) is one of the four treasures of Ireland. It was made in the northern town of Findias by a powerful phile (poet) and sorcerer called Uiscas.
According to the book Lebor Gabála Erenn (Book of Invasions), this sword was brought to Ireland by King Nuada, who led his people Tuatha de Denann into a great battle(Cath Maige Tuired) against the people of Fir Bolg, who ruled Ireland until then.
Nuada's sword is a symbol of power and justice that protects Ireland.
- Material 100% cotton
- sophisticated design
- high quality print
- custom made - Naav brand
- printed in the Czech Republic